Profile Page

Profile Page


  • profile page lets you learn more about a specific user profile of group profile
  • Access it from Users page by clicking into any returned users

Reserved properties on the profile page

  • reference a few reserved properties as it relates to profile page (geolocation, email, name, pictures, updated at)
  • Show a screenshot that highlights which UI area corresponds with what reserved props

Distinct ID cluster

  • Canonical distinct_id is shown
  • Expand to show all IDs currently in the cluster

Activity Feed

  • see events for this user
  • consecutive events are grouped. Click to expand to see grouped events.
  • Click individual events to see properties
  • Hide events to narrow in on specific events only
  • Default to 30 days, can update date range
  • Click View in Insights to see your current activity feed as an Insights report, including all current params like date range, hidden events, distinct_id, etc.

Editing profile properties

  • You can edit profile properties directly in this UI to update the user
  • Good for quick fixes, but best practice is to do this in implementation/some other source of truth
  • Changes here will reflect in your raw data/exports, not just the UI. Updates from implementation/other sources after will overwrite your changes.

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